Brand Identity

YEAR  2022
SERVICE  Brand Identity; Packaging


Thrive-on is a gardening supply manufacturer dedicated to promoting the best plant growing experience via premium fertilizers and plantfoods. Their mission is to provide customers with exceptional garden boosting solutions to help them grow and succeed.


Amalgamated Widget

Amalgamated Widget is a museum of consumer technology. Any form of technology that is intended for the general public, including radio, TV, microwave ovens, etc., is considered consumer technology. At the museum, there is a rich collection about the history of technological advancement. Inspired by the technological advancement that has revolutionized our way of life, I hope to inspire visitors of the museum to revere technology and respect it.


Ish Studios

Ish Studios is a pop-up jewelry shop that I opened in Summer 2021. I contributed by constructing the brand identity, art directing photoshoots, and publicizing the brand through social media.


The Thin Blue Line

The Thin Blue Line is a crime documentary film of the man who was wrongfully convicted of murder due to corrupted judicial system and journalism. The package was designed to give the experience of going through an evidence bag and a newspaper to enhance what the film offers to the audience.


Mütter Museum (wip 🛠️)

Mütter Museum is a museum of medical history in America that opened in 1859, during the Victorian Era. There is a wide collection of anatomical and pathological specimens, wax models, and antique medical equipment at the museum. In the past, the museum educated physicians about abnormalities in the human body and their treatment. Now, the museum imparts knowledge to the general public. The overall identity was designed with ‘abnormality’ at its core and to acknowledge the museum’s deep roots in the 19th century while introducing a touch of modernity.


Bacteria Museum (wip 🛠️)

Bacteria, the omnipresent neighbor, are single-celled microbes. They can be found almost everywhere on Earth, even inside human bodies, and are vital to the planet's ecosystems. Designing an identity system of the museum of bacteria, I focused on the two exciting traits: their reproduction process and rapid growth in number.