Brand Identity

YEAR  2022
SERVICE  Brand Identity; Packaging

Thrive-on is a gardening supply manufacturer dedicated to promoting the best plant growing experience via premium fertilizers and plantfoods. Their mission is to provide customers with exceptional garden boosting solutions to help them grow and succeed.

The goal is to create a visual style that emphasizes reliability and specialty of the brand. In order to cover the wide range of products the brand sells, the identity is designed to be flexible, systemic, and direct. A shout out to all gardens out the world that are ready to thrive-on-us!

Thrive On [A]

"Thrive on A" refers to doing well in a particular situation by relying on A. For example, we thrive on stress, love, etc. Every gardener thrives on us, Thrive-. Incorporating it directly in the identity helps deal with many types of products that the brand sells in a consistent manner.

The Power of Hyphen ‘-’

Hyphen has the power to join multiple words into a single word. Connecting words in the phrase “thrive on something” from the first idea, it helps the identity create a unique brand word each time.